Unit – 1, Billu the Dog
1. Read along
2. Match the Expanded words with their contracted forms

3. Animals and their young ones

3. Animals and their young ones

4. Animals and their Homes

5. Articles “A, An, The”
English has three articles: A, AN, and THE. These articles are used before nouns to show whether the nouns are general or specific.
(i) “AN”
The article “AN” is used before singular, countable nouns which begin with vowel sounds.
Vowel sounds are: a e i o u
(അ, എ, ഇ, ഒ, ഉ – സ്വരങ്ങൾ)
Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted. Most nouns in English are countable.
(ii) “A”
The article A is used before singular, countable nouns which begin with consonant sounds.
Lets complete
____ bed
____ chair
____ egg
____ fish
____ apple
____ car
____ bus
____ orange
____ umbrella
6. Lets write